Finnish PR agency image survey: Brunnen in second place
We are happy to say that Brunnen Communications has been ranked as second among PR agencies in Finland. The survey is based on opinions given by 667 Communication Directors and Managers. We want to thank you for this wonderful result!
What is behind our great position? The experts who have been evaluating us know the answer best, but according to our own analysis the heart of everything is the best client experience. In our agency we do our best at all times – and quite often exceed the client’s expectations. We never leave the client alone. And together with our client we have courage to be affective and visible.
Brunnen has always worked with clients, which are best on their branch. We are concentrating on working for results: our role is to stand by the client and to develop his/her skills in influential communication and reputation work.
Our strategy is to help the client to concentrate on the most critical issues, and to solve communication challenges step by step. We never settle for short cutsbut long-term influence. The results are seen in client’s financial numbers, as increase of reputation, employer image or sales increase.
The second place in the Finnish PR industry is a result of cooperation, talent, constant development of our services and strong trust on our focus, also in hard situations. I can never emphasize too much the role of my great colleagues. They are awesome personalities and wonderful team players. Our clients make them happy every single day! They are always ready to serve and lead complex PR projects – always doing their best. So, thank you very much, my trusted colleagues. We did it!