Brunnen Communications – viestintätoimisto
Brunnenin asiantuntemus on tasoltaan korkealuokkaista.

Our customers: Brunnen means high quality

There is only one way to know, if your customers are satisfied with the service you are providing: ask them. We did so just recently (5/2019) and we were pleased to hear, that the quality of our work and service is excellent.

Our customers appreciate specially our critical and analytical way of thinking. We have the ability and will to find the best solutions for them by considering the situation from different perspectives. The feedback tells us also, that we have a good sense of the latest phenomenon on communications, but we also have patience not to run after every trend.

“Now we know how to find the right angle to get both media and our customers interested in us. We appreciate Brunnen’s business like style, instead of being shallow at any point. Customer is always faced as a person and service is flawless. They are also easy to reach.”, wrote one of our customers.

We are also considered as inspiring co-developers. The customers feel that they are never left alone, instead we take care of their business like it was ours. “It has been valuable for us to develop our communications and working habits together with Brunnen. Whenever we need any support, they deliver it. Brunnen is easy to work with in a good, creative atmosphere.”, was also said about us.

Brunnen’s valuable help in communicational crises was also noticed!

Though we take our work seriously and with great passion, it doesn’t mean we have to be grey and dull. As someone pointed out: “relaxed and free atmosphere mixed with hilarious humour!”.

The only thing pointed out by our customers that we need to focus on, is to hold our horses when creating new ideas. Sometimes we get so excited that we start to gallop too fast and too far. This point of view was very important for us to hear, thank you for that and for all the feedback we got.

Taru Nikulainen

Taru Nikulainen

Taru lives and breathes strategy and influence, drawing insight from both consultancy and the client side. She has a proven track record of advising top management through complex transformations and crisis situations.

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