Our partner Millennial Board: Growth requires upgraded questions
Technological development is faster than ever, and companies face intense competition from all directions. Management needs to focus on finding completely new business models instead of optimising old ones.
What kind of qualities does management then need to renew the company’s business model and create a lasting competitive edge? According to Harvard University studies it takes directors who personally carry responsibility of creating fresh ideas and who constantly develop one’s insight skills.
- They systematically meet people from diverse backgrounds and beyond their own business.
- They challenge and question the settled ways of thinking and acting every day.
- They observe the world with curiosity, like actors or anthropologists, seeking changes in values, attitudes and lifestyles, all still bubbling under.
- They are willing to try new ideas right away.
- They can combine matters that don’t have much in common and then produce completely new points of view and ideas.
Support for the Innovator’s DNA
We, the Millennial Board community, support leaders in finding these Innovator’s DNA features and discover new paths for growth. We have gathered together an international group of talented millennials to help you on your journey. From our resource of two hundred young experts, we will choose eight best ones for mentoring your management team. Together with a facilitator they will help your leadership to:
- Challenge established values and attitudes,
- Recognise needs to renew and
- Find away for progress.
During 2017 we have organised these programs for the management teams of S-Pankki, If, Arla, Atria and Vattenfall, all top firms in their own business. Additionally, we are part of an artificial intelligence project run by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment in Finland. The project brings forth the perspective of tomorrow’s creators.
According to feedback, this inspiring process creates a better understanding of the needs of millennials as customers and employees. Furthermore, it helps leaders to see new connections and realise fresh ideas among their business.
We are enlarging our business from Helsinki to Tampere, Jyväskylä, Vaasa and indeed London. In 2018 we aim to open new communities and catalysts of growth in cities globally. Are you ready for a new start?
You can ask about our services from Brunnen’s team, they are familiar with our way of working.
Wishing you an inspiring Year 2018,
Heikki Leskinen
CEO, D11 Helsinki & Millennial Board