Brunnen Communications – viestintätoimisto


Responsibility and ethics

Responsibility is not optional: it’s an integral part of the operations of all successful, thriving organizations. Nor does responsibility consist of individual actions or campaigns. Instead, ethical thinking must inform the entire organization’s operations, from strategy to practice. In addition, you must be able to communicate ethically about your sustainable operating practice to stakeholders in an interesting, situationally appropriate way. 

Legislation, stakeholder expectations and the media make sure that no organization can ignore responsibility issues any longer. Responsibility does not mean merely avoiding unethical actions, adhering to laws and minimal requirements, or conscientious reporting. Responsibility means everyday ethics and active, targeted work towards a more sustainable future. Indeed, responsibility should be spoken of as organizational ethics or ethical choices. When responsibility is embedded in the organization’s strategy and values, it is not an expense but an investment and a competitive edge. 

Responsibility is no longer one option among many; rather, it requires a plethora of choices as well as strategic, planned work. We help you embed responsibility in your strategy as well as plan and spell out how you should speak about responsibility in various contexts. We help you to understand your stakeholders’ expectations, focus on the essential and build trust with society. We inspire and empower your entire workforce to work towards an ethically — and commercially — sustainable future. 

Strategy and leadership

Stakeholders and trust

Workplace and well-being

Strategy and leadership

How are responsibility and ethics visible in your business strategy and the strategic choices you make in communication? How are your responsibility endeavours managed? Do you need strategic vision and new ideas for your ESG communication?

Responsibility starts with the organization’s strategy and values. If your operations are not ethically sound, no communications will save them. We help you visualize responsibility means for your organization, in particular, and how it connects with your strategy and values. With you, we clarify and spell out a responsibility vision and goals as well as concrete responsibility plans, commitments and future actions. 

Responsibility also requires leadership. With you, we develop responsibility leadership: we clarify roles and responsibilities, bolster the organization and coordination of your Responsibility work, evaluate and measure successes, and streamline your responsibility reporting practices.  

Listing past actions and achievements is no longer feasible in ESG communication. Nowadays, you have to be able to say how ethics are seen in everyday choices and how your organization actively works towards a more sustainable tomorrow. We work with you to plan and vocalize where and how you should speak about responsibility. Strategic guidelines and a content plan for ESG communication will steer your focus to what is essential in the right contexts. 

Responsibility and ethics are manifested in actions and how those actions are communicated. Just as a modern organization must act ethically, communication about those actions must also be ethical. We work with you to evaluate your ESG communication and build them into ethically sustainable ones.

Our services

  • Strategic planning and sparring partnership for responsibility 
  • Responsibility in communication strategy guidelines 
  • Storification, tone of voice and refinement of ESG communication 
  • Content plan for ESG communication 
  • Consultation on sustainability of ESG communication 

Stakeholders and trust

What ethics requirements do your stakeholders have of you? What responsibility areas are essential for your business and where is there the most room for development? How do you build sustained trust with society? 

Responsibility is about making choices, including choices on what to exclude. With us, you learn to understand your stakeholders’ expectations, needs and wishes, as well as focus on what is essential in your responsibility action. An analysis of what is essential helps you identify the most important responsibility themes for your organization and what you should focus on in your responsibility endeavours. 

In addition to stakeholder expectations, it is important to understand what kind of mental images your current work on responsibility creates. Furthermore, what kind of discussion is your sector having about responsibility, and how do your competitors engage with it? We examine your stakeholders’ most important values, as well as their opinions on your current ESG communication, and analyse the responsibility discussion in your sector. That will allow your organization to orientate itself and succeed in the operating environment of the future. 

Responsibility boils down to how your organization shows its stakeholders it is trustworthy. This requires planned, active and constant interaction with stakeholders, and of course media communications. We support you in sustainably building media relationships and trust with key stakeholders. 

Our services

  • Analysis of current state of ESG communication 
  • Stakeholder study and criticality analysis 
  • Stakeholder trust road map 
  • Risk and scenario analysis of operating environment 
  • Media relationships and theme management 
  • Social influencer communications 

Workplace and well-being

How is responsibility visible in your workplace? How do you develop ethical leadership and an organizational culture? What do equity, diversity and inclusion mean and not mean in your organization? How do you make your actions as an ethical and attractive employer visible and boost your organization’s competitive edge with the help of a motivated workforce? 

In your organization, responsibility is something everyone has a part in. We develop ethical leadership and an organizational culture in which equity, diversity and inclusion are not just strategy and fine words, but shared by all and lived out in daily life. We are your level-headed partner who makes strategic choices with you over the long term. 

Even though many organizations have a whistle-blowing channel, it is usually unclear to employees what that channel means in practice. We help you make use of whistle-blowers’ tips in developing your organizational culture. We work with you to build trust in the whistle-blowing process itself. We inspire and empower your entire workforce to engage with and communicate about responsibility. 

A responsible organization is also always a responsible employer. We burnish your brand as an ethical employer, develop your recruitment communications and attract the best people to work for you. When you embed responsibility and ethics as part of your organizational culture, your employees do better all round and you hold on to the best people. That is how best to develop competitiveness and create good views for the future. 

Our services

  • Equity, diversity and inclusion in strategic guidelines 
  • Ethical development of the organizational culture and workplace well-being on the basis of whistle-blowers’ tips 
  • Recruitment communications and long-term consultation on your employer image 

Let’s keep in touch!

Anne Laajalahti

Anne Laajalahti

Leading Communications Consultant, PhD, Adjunct Professor

+358 50 505 8474

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