As a strategic PR agency, we serve you in everything related to employees, company image and reputation. We know that strategic communication requires an in-depth grasp, a vision of your operating environment and business opportunities. We have been rated as the best PR agency in Finland in terms of understanding the client’s operating environment and business.
Effective communication always requires a strategy to support it. The strategy is based on a precise view of the current situation and the challenges that require proper communication and understanding of stakeholders, i.e., audiences. Brunnen has extensive experience in strategic communication. We have, for example,
- shaped our client into the number 1 spokesperson in the industry,
- made our client a desirable employer,
- turned a reputational crisis into a victory, and
- built communication measurably and effectively.
We also help you in developing an operational or business strategy when the changed operational environment requires a new direction. It’s always about leadership, communication, and recognizing the importance of your business to all your relevant stakeholders. These can be your own staff, members, decision-makers or other influencers.
No strategy is complete without built-in metrics of communication’s influence. Key performance indicators help you make an ongoing strategic choice on whether you are progressing purposefully in your organization. You will learn to prioritize your work and make sure the choices you make lead in the desired direction.
Communication strategy and plan
Strategic communication
Public affairs
Communication strategy and plan
The strategic guidelines of communication, i.e., the communication strategy, are always the starting point for the long-term renewal of communication. We define the core message (service promise), the main stakeholders (audiences), the channels inherent to them (the forums in which you should influence), and the means to achieve your strategic goal.
When you want to make an impact with communication, you must first know who you need to make an impact on. The flood of messages is huge and instead of shouting into the wind, you must start to define the distinctive content of the core message as well as your own way of communicating influentially.
How well do you identify the audiences that represent the stakeholders that are crucial to your business? Do you also know those who, if they wish, can even prevent your goal from being achieved? We help you see the meaning and power relations of different audiences.
We identify the channels where your audience is influential and ensure that your organization is involved in the dialogue. After that, we will build the right tools to ensure that you move forward with the strategy. A communication plan is your practical tool to help you move forward.
- Building and updating a communication strategy
- Metrics for influence of communication: we will build the key performance indicators and sub indicators that verify them, which will help you to focus on goal-oriented and effective work
- Setting the goals: this ensures that communication delivers measurable value to your organization
- Publicity analysis: you will get to know who is influencing your industry and what is your role in the discussion
- Core message workshop: we define a promise of service that stands out with you
Strategic communication
Do you need support in your strategy’s communication? When a strategy does not address staff or reach stakeholders and does not have the desired influence, it is important to assess the changed operational environment, relevant audiences and their motivations to act or be heard. We can help you with both expressing the strategy and with its communication.
The rapidly changing operational environment requires a regular review of the strategy: do we talk to the right stakeholders, how do they interpret our message and do we achieve the desired outcome? A successful strategy is always communicative. We help you see the importance of your organization through the eyes of stakeholders. We will also figure out your greatest value to these groups and clarify how to make it communicatively inspiring.
We help you communicate strategically to get your staff, clients and other important stakeholders engaged. We will walk alongside you and make sure you do the right things at the right time. The communication KPIs will help us with this.
- Helping with the strategy: we will help you to recognize your organization’s value through the eyes of relevant stakeholders, according to their expectations.
- Communication of the strategy: we will build a way for you to address your audiences in an understandable and inspiring way.
- Sparring the lead: we help you in tough management situations where stakeholders expect you to communicate coherently.
Public affairs
Public affairs is about bringing your views to the attention of those who influence the development of matters important to you. It is part of democratic decision-making and the public dialogue: decision-makers have the right and obligation to obtain information on the views of the various stakeholders before final guidelines are drawn up. The general public is also interested in common issues. If your organization has something to offer to raise awareness, develop, or reform legislation in your field, you should highlight your expertise.
The success of public affairs is determined by how current and well-known the topic is and how it is framed in the form desired by decision-makers. We use many channels and networks for public affairs. Our cooperation with you is always guided by transparency and a comprehensive understanding of decision-makers’ expectations for communication.
Successful public affairs does not necessarily mean abundant media visibility. Rather, some topics require a direct discussion with decision-makers, although sometimes presenting the issue to a wider audience can help achieve the goal.
Public affairs always starts with clarifying the goal: what and why we want to achieve and over what time span. We then proceed to identify decision-makers and other stakeholders that are relevant to decision-making, and to understand the motives and goals of the groups. Only then does the actual implementation of influencing begin.
- Strategy for public affairs
- A map of influence: who should you influence and who should you ally with? Motives and themes along which everyone speaks
- A plan to influence
- Stakeholder relations
Let’s keep in touch!

Taru Nikulainen
Managing Director, M.A. (Org. Comm. & PR, German linguistics)