Brunnen Communications – viestintätoimisto


Brunnenin asiantuntemus on tasoltaan korkealuokkaista.

Our customers: Brunnen means high quality

There is only one way to know, if your customers are satisfied with the service you are providing: ask them. We did so just recently (5/2019) and we were pleased to hear, that the quality of our work and service is excellent.
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Silver and Bronze for Brunnen and brilliant clients

Great news once again! We are pleased to announce that our PR achievements have been rewarded with one silver and one bronze prize at our international CommWorld network competition. Altogether there were participants from 16 countries.
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Brunnen Blog: Three myths of expert communication

Three myths of expert communication

Many experts are the most powerful influencers of their organizations. Still many of them find communication challenging. In the following, we’ll break three common myths of expert communication.
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Brunnenin blogi: Value of PR

Can you set the right value of PR and communication?

The delivery day of PR Week is always a day of joy and professional progress for us at Brunnen. A magazine full of case references of the best PR and communication projects especially in the UK, where our industry has deep and historical rules. Additionally, PR Week covers good interviews and articles on our business, covering the drivers and obstacles, possibilities and views.
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Finnish PR agency image survey: Brunnen in second place

We are happy to say that Brunnen Communications has been ranked as second among PR agencies in Finland. The survey is based on opinions given by 667 Communication Directors and Managers. We want to thank you for this wonderful result!
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Building dialogue is not just sending messages

Last week we had a pleasure to invite colleagues form all across Europe to Helsinki and we got a chance for international dialogue, in a fast changing world.
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Brunnen blog Riitta Väkeväinen good news

Bad news are not so bad after all?

Why journalists are so keen at digging dirt? I have been asked this question in every media training I have done during my time at Brunnen Communications. I have given this issue a lot of thought and it has since occurred to me: we as humans still believe that good will prevail.
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Facebook Marketing Advice Brunnen

Don’t kill Facebook!

Facebook has been a lot in the news lately and mainly in a negative way. The changes in the algorithm, fake news and the Cambridge Analytica scandal are all factors that have caused many to leave the social media giant.
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Our partner Millennial Board: Growth requires upgraded questions

Technological development is faster than ever, and companies face intense competition from all directions. Management needs to focus on finding completely new business models instead of optimising old ones.
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Style to be different

Recently I met a Swiss Marketing Director who told me an impressive story of finding brand’s brilliancy. We were sitting on a Stanserhorn restaurant, just next to the European most modern cable car CabriO. Ten minutes before CabriO had moved us to the highest peak of Central Switzerland, Stanserhorn.
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Tilaa uutiskirjeemme

Kuule ensimmäisenä toimistomme kuulumiset ja pysy aallon harjalla alan trendeistä. Saat kuukausittain ajankohtaisimmat viestinnän uutiset suoraan sähköpostiisi.

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